Green Energy - Today, Tomorrow, and Beyond!

Eco-Energy modules for challenging environments


No toxic emissions. No fumes. No leaks.


10x more autonomy than Li-ion battery.


All the power without all the noise and any moving parts.

Fuel Flexible

From commercial propane to ammonia and green hydrogen.


Independent from grid and from weather conditions! No unexpected maintenance.

Ideal off-grid and backup power systems!

Based on a unique Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) technology!

Want to learn more about the technology?

About us

INERGIO is based in Lausanne, Switzerland. Concerned by Climate Change, and strongly believing in systematic change, we are building the next generation of energy systems meeting today’s and tomorrow’s market demands.

Imagine a diesel generator, that emits no harmful emissions, produces no noise and yet provides high efficiency! A solution that can work with commercially available fuels as well as any promising clean fuels such as hydrogen, ammonia, biogas or even ethanol. This is exactly what we do at INERGIO, building an efficient, clean and reliable power system based on fuel cell technology, the result of more than 20 years of research. 

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